Workers Compensation
9197 8001 - East
9197 8101 - West
E: claims@spectrumradiology.com.au
Workers Compensation, CTP or Injury Claims
Hassle Free One Stop Shop for Injury Claims
The staff at Spectrum Medical Imaging understands the stress and hassle that you and your patients may experience when going through an Injury Claim.
We have a dedicated team who specialises in liaising with the insurance companies to have a patient’s claim approved in a timely manner.
What we do for YOU
Obtain approval
Contact the patient for an appointment
Image the patient
Send you the final results
You send us the referral, we send you the results!
If you need an imaging procedure performed please provide the following information for prior approval to be arranged;
The Imaging Referral Form
Claim number (if possible)
Name of Insurer
Date of Injury
We will contact you to schedule an appointment once we receive the approval.
There is NO out-of-pocket cost to you once written approval has been received.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.